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March 26, 2021 at 13:40 #585853
sheesh, what can be so bad that you stab someone…the world has gone crazy
March 26, 2021 at 14:50 #585863
Hmmmm, interesting, tragic, and sad. Also somewhat comical that the men involved are older “gentlemen” well beyond the hot-headed years of their youth.
FWIW I always stop for hikers (technical sections of trail or not) and have always been greeted with smiles.
March 26, 2021 at 21:48 #585871
That story has to make us wonder what might have been the outcome had the cyclist been licensed to conceal/carry. Think carefully about this. Every day, Chicago has knifings and shootings side by side. With the current state of the Onion, narcissism is a required subject.
Now, with the case in the first post, how many people have the discovery file in hand to study? Over on MTBR, there are many armchair judges, juries and executioners that are spouting off without the kind of due process necessary to opine, so I for one shall refrain and let law enforcement and the courts have their opportunity to complete their respective duties.
All in all, this type of story does make some of us ponder the “what if”.
March 27, 2021 at 12:00 #585875
That story has to make us wonder what might have been the outcome had the cyclist been licensed to conceal/carry. Think carefully about this.
Interesting. And “what if” the other hikers also had licenses to conceal and carry? Then we’d have a real-life John Wick 4……or Keystone Cops.
Either scenario would be sub-optimal.
It will be interesting to hear more about this forest melee.
March 28, 2021 at 13:50 #585885
Robert Dobbs
Interesting. And “what if” the other hikers also had licenses to conceal and carry? Then we’d have a real-life John Wick 4……or Keystone Cops.
Either scenario would be sub-optimal.
It will be interesting to hear more about this forest melee.
Not one of the possible scenarios can be a plus for our community. There are a number of folks that do conceal/carry regardless of knife or firearm… Chicago leads the pack on the streets in both departments, sadly… Now this crap moves to trails and it might get worse long before it gets better.
Disappointing, indeed!
As I stated in my previous post, will keep watch on the outcome of this situation and have no opinion until all facts are disclosed. Will we see the truth in this matter, not likely since there are two people that might not be honorable.
March 29, 2021 at 08:32 #585909
From the article though, it sounds like the cyclist did not yield to the hikers because they needed to “trying to negotiate an area that had exposed tree roots and was clipped into his bike.”
Always be the bigger person and be prepared to yield right of way, that keeps people happy and trails open. Oh and from getting stabbed and/or shot 😀
April 10, 2021 at 23:07 #587720
Agreed the.bler. I don’t know how many times I pull over for mtbers coming downhill, and they don’t say thank you when I actually have the right of way going uphill. I don’t want to ruin their fun so I pull over. They should at least acknowledge my courtesy, which is above and beyond the normal trail courtesy, with the common courtesy of a thank you. We need to do better as a biking community.
April 10, 2021 at 23:53 #587723
I just about always say thanks when going downhill, and someone pulls over going up.
September 12, 2022 at 16:10 #632311
Say, does anyone know the outcome of this mountain biker vs hiker brawl from March 2021?
I cannot seem to find any recent/relevant updates on Google and the Bellingham, Wash court site doesn’t seem to have any record of it.
Hoping we have some Bellingham, WA area locals on this list who can provide updates.
September 12, 2022 at 21:10 #632370
There had been mentions in a thread on the topic over on MTBR. Dunno where it stands at this point.
October 8, 2022 at 07:06 #633665
Why is it so difficult for people just to have a minor disagreement today without someone getting hurt? There are more and more people on the planet every day. We need to get used to human encounters and work out reasonable conclusions when disagreements arise. It was not too long ago when I saw and experienced many disagreements between people. They all did not end peacefully but, most of them ended with a handshake or a hug and in some cases a budding friendship. At the very least, everyone walked away without injury.
October 8, 2022 at 16:01 #633671
Wouldn’t it be nice if folks could just come down to earth?
January 12, 2023 at 11:00 #639338
Grumpy Old Men, right! Unfortunate situation and it is unclear what really happened. Seems like the MTBer should have been off his bike walking around. Generally whether riding in the Midwest or out west my experience has been most people are considerate, biker or hiker. Yield when you are supposed to and thank those who yield to you even if you have the right of way. Countless times hikers have yielded for me before I had time slow or adjust to go around them. Those that mess up the rules generally don’t know or understand, let’s be gracious, or did not have time so I responded for both our sakes. Respect and courtesy.
May 2, 2023 at 20:25 #644844
Well, the knife wielding party didn’t get too much for attempting to murder a mountainbiker.
Dake, the assailant was sentenced to 30 days house arrest and a fine less than 10k
Frankly, I hope the mountainbiker goes for a civil action seeing as his hospital bills will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 500k. Find the best ambulance chasers you can, mountainbiker!!
When someone shoves a cyclist over that is clipped in, that asked to pass, being on the ascent, annnd proceeds to cut the poor fella to shreds, he needs penitentiary time of a minimum of 10 years… Not every state has a Chicago, jus’ sayin’!
May 5, 2023 at 11:27 #644943
Thanks for the update!…where did you get this info?
The original story mentions that the hiker claimed the cyclist attacked him – I’m going to guess that there are some missing, distorted facts between the two of them (and the group that was present). That might explain the lenient sentence for the knifing hiker.
In any case, two guys, just south of seventy years old, behaving this way = shameful. : (
May 6, 2023 at 11:09 #644971
You can look up the original Sheriff’s report on the incident and get the information related to the incident.
There is also a report with KGMI news regarding the outcome of the trial.
Basically, Traphagen got a finger wagging and the biker got a 500k stay at club ICU.
May 8, 2023 at 08:30 #644970
Here is the report.
Here is the Sheriff’s original report.
So, the attacker gets a finger wagging and the biker gets a 500k hospital bill. That is an awesome outcome.
Civil suit is likely.
May 8, 2023 at 08:30 #644969
Well, the knife weilding hiker almost succeeded in taking a life, and for what?
Two people that coudn’t share a trail… Couldn’t offer courtesy or respect to their community members.
Meanwhile that mountainbiker has to pay ~50k for a flight and 500k to a hospital and doctors. How kewel is that?
August 10, 2023 at 15:07 #649607
Interesting enough I was out running in the Detroit suburbs while visiting my parents on a paved trail. I passed a walker by maybe 3-4′ clearance and didn’t think much of it. I didn’t say :on your left” since it seemed unnecessary, no oncoming traffic he was mostly to the right and 50/50 that the walker turns and steps right into your path. OK, NBD… then the guy chews me out for not warning him I was passing. “I could have run into you if I moved over”. Uhhh… why would you make a sudden left turn without looking behind you on a shared trail on a weekend. I exchanged some sarcasm ane went on my way.
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